工程 候选人资格及晋升政策

In the interest of having students matched with majors in which they can succeed, and stewardship of financial aid resources, it is important for engineering students to have appropriate preparation at the beginning of the program and to make good academic progress. The 工程学院 has established three phases for students to advance through while completing a degree in engineering. 学生 will need to complete key courses from the freshmen sequence in Phase 1 before advancing to Phase 2. They will need to complete all required classes from the first two years before advancing to Phase 3. 学生 who present a transcript of previous successful studies in math and science from an accredited college or university may be admitted directly to Phase 2.


Courses Required for all Concentrations:

Additional Courses for Bioengineering:

Additional Courses for Civil or Mechanical 工程:

Additional Courses for Computer or Electrical 工程:

工程 Advancement to Phase 2

学生 must advance to Phase 2 in the 工程 program before proceeding to any engineering course numbered 221 or higher. 进入第二阶段, students must complete all required Phase 1 courses with a C- or better grade, and maintain a cumulative GPA >2.5. Advancement to Phase 2 normally occurs prior to the Fall quarter of the student's second year of taking courses at 沃拉沃拉大学 as an 工程 major. Student who do not meet the requirements to advance to Phase 2 in their chosen concentration by the end of their first spring quarter as an engineering major must apply for continued enrollment in engineering. This application should include a detailed plan for completing the deficient courses. 学生 who do not advance to Phase 2 or successfully apply for continued enrollment in engineering at the end of their first year must switch to a non-工程 major.

Applications for continued enrollment in engineering into the third year without advancing to Phase 2 will not typically be accepted. 当然是因为测序, students should expect as least three years of additional study to complete the engineering degree after advancing to Phase 2.

工程 Advancement to Phase 3

学生 advance to Phase 3 after completing all the required courses in the first and second year of the four-year planner for their concentration, with no more than 8 credits less than C-. Occasionally, engineering courses may need to be repeated. 然而, multiple repetitions of courses inefficiently use student finances and can jeopardize degree completion. 学生 should expect to advance to Phase 3 before the end of the third year of studies. If this timeline is not met, students must switch to a non-engineering major. 另外, they may apply to remain in engineering with a detailed plan for addressing the deficient courses.


转学生, the timing of the threshold for Phase 3 depends on how many credits a student transfers in before beginning courses at 沃拉沃拉大学 as an 工程 major.

学生 with less than 45 college credits taken before beginning courses

  • Advance to Phase 3 by the end of the ninth full time quarter in the engineering program (not counting summers).

学生 with between 45 and 90 college credits taken before beginning courses

  • Advance to Phase 3 by the end of the sixth full time quarter in the engineering program (not counting summers).

学生 with more than 90 college credits taken before beginning courses

  • Advance to Phase 3 by the end of the third full time quarter in the engineering program (not counting summers). If course sequencing justifies this, or if a substantial number of the transferred credits were not in STEM related areas, 可以给予额外的时间.
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